Friday, August 31, 2012

I'm Back!

Bet you weren't expecting to see me again! I probably would not have returned, if not for the recent clearing up of my calendar, and my day off spent re-watching season one of Once Upon A Time. To be honest, I tend to start a lot of blogs, but never keep up with any of them. Hopefully, now that I've "reworked" this one, I'll find more reasons to post.

I'll get into the subject of what life working for the Mouse was like, what life is like after Disney (a hint: major magic withdrawals), and what I'm up to now, but this post is something I've been thinking about that I can't keep in anymore. It is regarding, of course, Once Upon a Time a certain evil queen.

***SPOILER ALERT-If you have not yet watched all the episodes in Season One of ABC's Once Upon A Time, do not continue. Spoilers below. You have been warned****

I understand that in every show, book, movie with a large fan base, people will develop their favorite and least favorite characters. I can understand that not everyone wants happily ever after, and not everyone wants the good guys to win. Hell, growing up I would play with my friends AS the good girl, and still want to lose sometimes. So, not surprisingly, I can understand why the character of Regina Mills is admired by a large fan-base. What I don't understand is how people are defending her actions, or saying that any evil thing she's done is justifiable, because of what she's lost.

When a scorned lover kills, and blames their actions on a broken heart, does that argument hold up in a courtroom? I don't think so. Some people might feel for that person, but not one sane person is thinking that the person should get off because they lost their loved one to another. In slightly different circumstances, Regina plots revenge against Snow White because Snow White broke a promise and as a result, Regina lost her one true love. A promise that Snow White made as a child. A promise that she did not break to HURT Regina, but had the intent of helping her. Snow told Cora what she did because she thought it would HELP Regina to strengthen her relationship with her mother AND live in happiness with her one true love. And Snow was an EASILY influenced and innocent child. An adult with years of experience in the art of persuasion and deception had little trouble getting Snow to tell the secret, pulling at her heart strings and hitting her where she knew it would impact Snow the most, the topic of the bond between mother and daughter.

Now I understand, Regina specifically told Snow not to tell her mother. Snow DID make that promise to Regina. And Snow broke that promise. But it was not done in malice. It was not done as some revenge on Regina for not marrying Snow's father. It was unintentional. It was done to help. Regina should take that into consideration before deciding to spend the rest of her life hurting Snow and eventually killing her. The person that Regina should take her anger out on is her MOTHER, who RIPPED the heart out of Daniel and CRUSHED it in front of Regina's eyes. Not an innocent child. Let's face it, even if Snow had NOT confessed to Cora, I'm pretty sure she would have caught on and caught up to Regina and Daniel anyway. She does possess magic abilities, after all. She probably would have killed him anyway.

Furthermore, Regina was the cause of King Leopold's death. She killed the person Snow loved most, her father. I agree with Snow in "An Apple as Red as Blood"- "Haven't we both suffered enough?" An eye for an eye right? Snow unwittingly caused the death of Regina's beloved, so Regina caused the death of Snow's beloved father. Done deal. Now we can all go about our business.

Now I also see a lot of complaining about Henry (Regina's son, not father). They say he treats Regina like shit even though she raised him from birth and took care of him all ten years of his life. She truly loves him and he basically treats her like trash, believing she's evil, even though she's done nothing to him. She built him a playground, bought him a video game when she "accidentally" (cough-bullshit-cough) destroyed his book and more. She's a "strict" parent, but a loving one.While I will admit to finding Henry the slightest bit annoying and ungrateful, and also admitting that Regina does care for Henry, I don't buy into the whole "poor Regina" crap. She may "love" Henry as she claims she does, but that wouldn't stop her from killing him to continue to get her revenge on Snow White. After all, in order to bring the curse to life in the first place, Regina had to sacrifice who she loved most, her FATHER. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A: REGINA KILLED HER FATHER. Stabbed him in the back, no seconds thoughts, no regrets. And she loved her father, didn't she? I mean, she told brought him back from Wonderland instead of Jefferson. She had him living with her in her palace. She named her son after him in his honor. But she killed him in cold-blood. For revenge. There's NO doubt in my mind she wouldn't do the same to Henry if it meant that Snow's happiness would be ruined.

Also, can I point out all the other people's lives she's ruined who had nothing to do with her and really didn't deserve it at all. Graham, Belle, Hansel and Gretel, Jefferson and Grace, Sidney...the list goes on I'm sure. How can you justify her interfering in and destroying their lives just because her happiness was taken away by Snow and Cora. In my opinion, she already got revenge on Snow by killing her father, so to me the only person Regina can hurt or punish that I would consider truly "understandable" (but still not condoning it) would be Regina's mother, Cora. (And i also believe she might already have done it. I have some theories on the Queen of Heart's) I don't agree with anything else she's done to anyone.

At this point in the night I'm so tired I can't even write a good closing argument, so I'll end it here. I understand Regina's anger. I understand her sadness and her desire to have her own happy ending. Yes, I understand her jealousy. I understand her wanting to keep Snow away from Charming because Snow kept her away from her own "prince".  But I do not support Regina. I will not support her. I do NOT condone any of her actions except for adopting and raising Henry. A lot of people experience that emotions and the pain and suffering that Regina has experienced. A lot of people have hatred and jealously, but they don't act on those emotions.

Bleh, can't write anymore. Goodnight. haha

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